Prince Harry says no more to family tradition!

Newly married Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex is skipping an annual Royal Family tradition this year. Every year on Boxing Day, the Royal Family has a pheasant shoot. Prince Harry has partaken in this tradition in years past but not this year after being married to his wife Meghan. Why? As a sign of respect to her because Meghan Markle is a big animal lover and has adopted a vegan lifestyle. She does not support fashion containing fur or leather, and for that PETA has applauded her saying: "By choosing to oppose fur and leather, Markle is actively helping to stop the global skins trade. Whether it came from an animal on a fur farm or one who was trapped in the wild, every fur coat, trinket, and bit of trim caused an animal tremendous suffering — and took away a life." This is actually the second time Prince Harry has missed the shoot. He also missed it last year while dating Meghan...

Insiders who know Meghan say that since being together, she has encouraged Harry to eat less meat and cut down on his family's inspired traditions of hunting. There have been rumors flying that Prince William and Prince Harry have drifted apart and their wives are fighting and as a result they have distanced themselves from the palace. Spokespeople for the palace say that is completely false and that the Duke & Duchess of Sussex are still going to partake in numerous other holiday traditions at the palace with the Royal family. 

This story has brought up a good chain of thought for us. Have you given up any previous held family traditions or hobbies of yours for your spouse? Think about that...

-Producer Lightning

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