Warren accuses Bloomberg of telling a pregnant employee to "kill it!"

Senator Elizabeth Warren made a serious accusation against Former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg when she was talking about pregnancy discrimination. She used her own life as an example of how she experienced pregnancy discrimination when she was 21 years and how her employer fired her over it. She went on to pivot from her personal story into a dig at Bloomberg when she said: "at least I didn't have a boss who said to me "kill it". That aggressive comment by Warren got her multiple boos from the audience. Bloomberg followed up with denying the accusation and saying: I never said that. For the record, if she was a teacher in New York City, she would never have had that problem.

That is a pretty hefty accusation by Warren. Do you believe her? Do you think Bloomberg actually said "kill it" to one of his employees? Even in a misguided joking manner?

-Producer Lightning

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